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Change Log



- It is now possible to exchange; Rotworm Mouths, Nether Fangs, Lion Manes, Brown Leathers, Winter Wolf Paws and White Wool at NPC Wyda. She will exchange them for unique items. Just keep in mind that they are already exchangeable for different rewards at different  NPCs, so choose the one you desire most

- NPC Baa'leal has had a minor keyword issue fixed



- Fixed bug with War Wolves and Fire Devil's task at NPC Shauna

- Change log will now be visible as a message of the day (MOTD) in the client itself - when you log in



- Fixed mana and health regeneration bug on Legacy

- Fixed a bug where monsters could only summon the creature that was first on their list



- Normalised the speed of meele attacks for all creatures (players, monsters, and NPCs). It will now be exactly 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds) for all three.



- Improved reaction time for summons once the player who owns the summon selects a target

- Improved reaction time for monsters overall (such as casting spells right away)

- Fixed out of order meele attacks (e.g. shield break jittering)

- Fixed dash hack where you were able to run a little faster by using items in front of you

- Removed the ability to cast exura sio or exana sio on targets out of the screen.



- Minor website optimizations and fixes

- Removed USA proxy option from the client and replaced it with test server (when it's available)

- Fixed a bug where CAMs would start at max speed

- Removed PVP warning given when Legacy Players login.



- Fixed a bug where you were able to rope yourself when a magic wall was on the rope spot

- Third login server was created to avoid any unnecessary problems when the website goes down (in case of some sort of unforseen issues)



- NPC Captain Jack has been fixed (minor keyword issues, it is now impossible to leave Isle of the Kings with a skull and the NPC won't allow players to travel without paying the fee for entering the restricted area

- NPC Costello has been fixed (minor keyword issues, required fee for entering area)

- NPC Chemar has been fixed (unintentional bugs were implemented with the previous fix)



- USA Proxy is going offline due to instability. It will most likely be replaced in a few weeks to a new and more reliable service.



- Forum bug with invisible posts from deleted players has been fixed

- Health will be restored just like mana does when you leave the arena

- Conditions such as poison, fire, energy, life drain, haste, paralyze, outfit, invisible, and mana shield will be dispelled once you leave the arena



- Armor of Helmet of the Ancients increased from 8 to 9 and from 11 to 12 if enchanted

- NPC Briasol fixed (minor issue of double farewell message)

- NPC Kevin fixed (minor keyword issue of "thebag" instead of "the bag")



- Changelog has been cleaned and we will start from the beginning without a possibility for a player to post in this topic

- Conditional damage of the new weapons (daraman bow, flaming bow, etc) will be devided by a factor or two when the weapon is used in PVP

- NPC Hofech has been fixed (it was impossible to purchase several items)

- Rare bug in long timeout of ownership for fields (fire field, poison field, energy field)

- Keyword "outfit" has been fixed for Muir Lightbringer

- NPC Chemar has been fixed (minor keyword issues)

- NPC Ephraim has been fixed (task issue with Dwarf Dragoneater)

- Status of the change log has been implemented (under the main menu on the website)

- Images on landing page have been replaced


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